01 The Story

Brothers Jarrett and Trey Lawfield own and operate a 10,000-acre family farm in Catron, Missouri. The land was farmed by their parents and uncles before they took over the farming operation. Growing rice, cotton, corn, and soybeans, the brothers have tested farming techniques to improve operational efficiency and boost environmental benefits. In contrast to the Lawfield Farm, conventional crop production has a harsh impact on the the environment by using excessive water and fuel, releasing GHGs, and requiring more labor.  

02 The Ask

Differentiate the LawfieldsClimate-Friendly Rice from conventionally grown rice crops to earn a market premium  

03 The Challenge

Without 3rd-party verification of sustainable rice farming, the Lawfields cannot demonstrate the extent of their environmental stewardship and the tangible benefits of their efforts. Without supply chain traceability, there are no opportunities to distinguish their Climate-Friendly Rice from conventionally grown rice in the marketplace.  

04 The Solution

AgriCapture completed the certification of 25 rice fields spanning 1,831 acres. The AgriCapture team collected farm records and used satellite imagery and remote sensing to confirm Climate-Friendly practices, including furrow-irrigated rice, efficient fertilizer use, conservation tillage, crop rotations, and post-harvest identity preservation

The Lawfields’ rice crop was successfully Climate-Friendly Certified by AgriCapture. the Lawfields market their rice at a premium to climate-conscious buyers, leveraging the Climate-Friendly Rice Certification Report issued by AgriCapture 

05 The Impact

For the environment:

  • Reduced GHG emissions 
  • Reduced methane emissions 
  • Water conservation  
  • Promotion of soil health 

For the Farm:

  • Access to premium markets 
  • Recognition in the retail market 
  • Increased farm revenue 
  • 3rd-party quality and sustainability verification